@ZumaDogg - World Update 03.02.18: "#QAnon Talk" re: @realDonaldTrump #GreatAwakening #MAGA: Great rant! TOTAL INSIDE UPDATE:
- Google/YouTube Commie Censorship
- #China #CyberWar Vs@realDonaldTrump #TradeWar
GitMO #MilitaryTribunal for DEEP STATES BIGGEST PUPPETS (Obama/ClintonS/Comey/Lynch/ALL the way down the line) will start end of 2018. Gonna be kinetic shift in global collective conciousness upon hanging of these treason muther phuckers. A lot of fast red pilling needs to occur. Show dumb snowflake, speeple, dumb bitches some of this. WE NEED TO TAKE AMERICA BACK -- AND YOU GOTTA BE BOLD AND BOISTEROUS IN THEIR FACES. That's what THEY did -- and too many were too meek to speak their mind -- and now MS13 is here to tell you what is allowed and not allowed. They got Trump hostage, or these DEEP STATE PUPPETS would be locked up, already. Instead they are thwarting Trump and trying to kill him. TIME IS OF ESSENCE. GO NUTS PEOPLE!!! WeThePeople are under TRUE AND ACTUAL FREE SPEECH TAKEOVER. Alex Jones ain't the only who got a strike yesterday, and video removed. I DID...and I'm a big fucking nobody. They are coming for ALL rational, logical accounts=MAGA PATRIOTS. Google/YouTube=Cyber-Holocaust! They are simply deleting accounts and videos if you DO NOT COMPLY to THEIR free speech standards. Kinda like Cyber-Hitler. Oh well, until they go after sheeple's kitty cat picture posting=not enough people will care. Welcome to the new USALR (United States of La Raza), you dumb, lazy, brainwashed dummies who were too coward-hearted to say anything, cause you didn't want to offend the invaders/attackers .
Follow @ZumaDogg: He ain't #Obama/#Holder but tweets about #Trump #WeThePeople #QAnon #GreatAwakening=FAST & FURIOUSLY. Zuma Dogg's VERY EXCELLENT homepage w bio/press/content.
Zuma Dogg | 37m | |
Wow! @realDonaldTrump putting his A.G. @jeffsessions on blast. Remember #Q says everything for a reason & ALL #Trump tweet send messages to #Q. Sessions better get his shitbrain together.twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
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Zuma Dogg | 48m | |
Zuma Dogg | 53m | |
We do NOT need, "diversity," Mexico illegal immigration invasion provides. Beside expense to #WeThePeople; it's the EXTREME RACISM toward OTHER RACES. Don't be afraid to say it aloud. THEY AREN'T! Try being white, working in #WholeFoods kitchens. You will be driven out!
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Zuma Dogg | 1h | |
THANK-FUCKING-GOD! I live in #LA, in HEART of this invasion. Don't be bamboozled=nothing cute and adorable about it. Mexico's lowest rung of human society MS13 is all over USA now. Illegal immigrant Mexicans invaded and took down CA. A low grade culture of entitled greed. twitter.com/seanhannity/st…
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Zuma Dogg | 2h | |
HITLER USA. Got my first STRIKE from @YouTube and video removed. We are under civil attack. #YouTube=#Hitler-style cyber-Holocaust; as they DELETE people, that don't conform. Gun control? HELL NO! WE NEED THEM TO FIGHT BACK! #QAnon @InfoWars#GreatAwakening #MAGA #ObamaMustHANG
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Zuma Dogg | 10h | |
i arrived. Got my first STRIKE from @YouTube and video removed. We are under civil attack. #YouTube=#Hitler-style cyber-Holocaust; as they DELETE people, that don't conform. Gun control? HELL NO! WE NEED THEM TO FIGHT BACK! #QAnon @InfoWars #GreatAwakening#MAGA #ObamaMustHANG
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Zuma Dogg | 10h | |
2018=You WILL be hearing @POTUS @realDonaldTrump say, "We don't say his name because his name is, '#Traitor,' and I'm talking about @SenJohnMcCain." It's OVER for #TraitorMcCain in 2018. GitMo being prepared for his military tribunal. I'm not speculating.#QAnon memes don't lie. pic.twitter.com/udWm6UBVNy
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Zuma Dogg | 10h | |
@KianMcIan , did u make all those memes or are they from 8Chan research board. If this normie reads tea leaves correctly, you got a little inside track. I'm #INFJ/remote viewer. #Anonymous
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Zuma Dogg | 10h | |
Here's CLUB #GitMo 2018 Yearbook Pictures: HERE is who is gonna have a LOUSY year. pic.twitter.com/CHqyITA1FG
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Zuma Dogg | 11h | |
Thank goodness we are experiencing the END of the #RyanSecrestEra. Too much taint being painted on him. Too much doubt. Will create too much talk=distraction that overshadows all else. Bad news for Disney & E! (Good!) Secrest, OUT!
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Zuma Dogg | 11h | |
I know. But i got stubborn #ADD, so I thought maybe if I got a tweet campaign goin', it would force the timetable up. I'm also delusional. (Keeps me entertained.) OK, thanks for chillin' me out. I'll be right here waiting, like Richard Marx.
Zuma Dogg | 12h | |
#QAnon - QAnonTalk.com: TEAM #QAnon uses #memes like cyber drones to counter attack #DeepState online. TONS are loaded and ready to go on the 8bitchan. Here is a preview into @POTUS@realDonaldTrump's #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening via MEME Pt 1: qanontalk.blogspot.com/2018/02/QAnonM…
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Zuma Dogg | 13h | |
SICK HYPOCRITES=#Google's #YouTube gave#AlexJonesShow/#InfoWars 2 of 3 strikes, this week, toward total deletion, for being SO indecent=as @YouTube runs @Google shop service ads on @InfoWars YouTube channel. QQAnonTalk.com
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Zuma Dogg | 13h | |
NEW: I wanted a blog w links NEW #QAnon posts; #Q/#Anonymouschat board; 8bitChan links; tweets; video decodes; my own articles (commentary, re: #GreatAwakening for #WeThePeople; and embedded video channels. TASK COMPLETED: QAnonTalk.com by#INFJ #Normie
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Zuma Dogg | 13h | |
THIS WEEK=BIGGEST CENSORSHIP grab by #DeepState in U.S. history. #Google/#YouTube/#Twitter DELETING ACCOUNTS, en mass to prevent #WeThePeople & @POTUS @realDonaldTrump's#GreatAwakening #MAGA effort. RT to support of #Trump2020; and salute to @NSAgov!!! QAnonTalk.com
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Zuma Dogg | 14h | |
FLOOD of #QAnon/#Anonymous intel & NEW #ZumaDogg VIDEO DECODES=gotta fire up the BIG BLOG - for massive intel dump. Get caught up with everything currently posted, including FULL INTERVIEW w #Zach on #InfoWars=BEST SEGMENT, EVER=Lays down what is comin'! QAnonTalk.com
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Zuma Dogg | 14h | |
HOPE my #PEDOmeter isn't broken! Mr. "I Wanna Punch@realDonaldTrump In The Mouth, " has-been actor and current constant crybaby, @RobertDeNiro just made #pedo meter jump to 10. You don't mean @NSAgov has a liDDle info to be made public about#RobertDeNiro via meme campaign. pic.twitter.com/H0f9XhRUzr
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Zuma Dogg | 14h | |
I didn't know #DOJ had international jurisdiction: @POTUS@realDonaldTrump's #DeptOfJUSTICE is currently in #LosAngeles; investigating #ClintonFoundation for a myriad of crimes. (I live in #LA... I think DOJ will need a passport to enter this foreign overtaken land.)#QAnon pic.twitter.com/hnUeaIHuCw
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Zuma Dogg | 14h | |
Zuma Dogg | 15h | |
By the time American find out that #PedoGate (human trafficking of children for pedophilia of #DeepState elite) is tied to @BarackObamaand he is deeply knowledgeable and involved; even #EllenDeGenereswill want to hang his Muslim, terrorist ass. #GreatAwakening#StormIsHere pic.twitter.com/PPps7rU0US
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Zuma Dogg | 15h | |
Hey, Bobby D! (@robertDeNiro): Are YOU the #JohnPodesta of#Hollywood? (Maybe just a liDDle bit, Bob?) You wanna punch@realDonaldTrump in the mouth; but Trump ain't embroiled in#PedoGate, Bob. @NSAgov got eyes on YOU, Bob? Meme campaign in 2018, Bob? pic.twitter.com/9ZTY2LIUR2
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Zuma Dogg | 15h | |
#BarackObama, #HillaryClinton & ENTIRE #DeepState crew will face#MilitaryTribunal=end of 2018. #DeepStateInPanic=try to assassinate@POTUS @realDonaldTrump/false flag mania /try to false flag Syria into WW3. THIS IS NOT A TEST! THIS IS AN ALERT of the #QAnonBroadcast System.
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Zuma Dogg | 16h | |
MORE BRILLIANT #SunTzu POLITICAL STRATEGY by #Master@realDonaldTrump=with marshmallow, loser Shit Romney getting ready to backstab/run vs #Trump2020; Trump announces next@POTUS run, today (about 3 months early); to lock up supporters/smokes out GOP rats. QAnonTalk.com
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Zuma Dogg | 16h | |
HERE is my FAVORITE #InfoWars segment, ever. From, today: Military Vet, SUPER INSIDER, #Zach: Explains WW3 threat via #Syria; confirms FL shooting=#FalseFlag w more details & @realDonaldTrump#2020 strategy. #QAnon youtu.be/YeOFoudKqrY
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Zuma Dogg | 16h | |
ALERT! Deep state, and communists trying to sabatoge America into WW3 with Russia by having NKorea false flag Syria into starting WW3." - Zach on #InfoWars (Trump will NEVER be able to hold it off.) Liberalism, coward heart, correctness cost all. More to come...
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Zuma Dogg | 16h | |
WW3 to start over false flag? According to BEST #QAnon insider,#Zach (on #InfoWars) warns that, "#NKorea is being used to#FalseFlag #Syria into starting WW3." More important than what that dumb, sissy Hoggs is saying. (link: QAnonTalk.com) QAnonTalk.com
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
Hey, #JoyBehar: Ask your liberal #Trump bashing bigmouth loser#RobertDeNiro about THIS! Mr. Tough guy like to get tough with strapped down liDDle children? I think Bob is one who gets punched in mouth in prison inmate. Even criminals hate pedophiles, Bob.#PedoGATE #QAnon pic.twitter.com/uPWYlmUuTK
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
Good #QAnon talk show by @ZumaDogg (Legend/KABC, Heroic/KRLA, Stunning Crusader/LA Times, Brain-seizing, superstar, icon/LA Weekly about Zuma Dogg) youtu.be/uEZXYE3TaXA
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
HERE is how to represent #QAnon red pill effort (when you're really cranky/before first cup of coffee.) Glad I captured this rant. My liberal neighborhood LOVED it (NOT!). GOOD! youtu.be/JRgzobgnHEQ
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
NOW, we have to watch everyone call for gun bans and #NRA bans. WHY? The FL shooting was DONE by Broward County officials, and CRUZ has ZERO involvement. He was called to school under phony guise=set up. youtu.be/KQKnXV88X9k
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
HOGGS DOESN'T MATTER! (Stop being distracted!) HERE is significance of FL Shooting from #QAnon #RedPill the Sheeple perspective. Be bold!youtu.be/8dn7q5-RzrM
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Zuma Dogg | 17h | |
HILAROUS! An EMERGECY PREPRADEANESS DRILL...to test response of a theater stage collapsing w performers on it? THAT the emergency they claim to test for? Rotfltwitter.com/ReachEchoVoice…
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Zuma Dogg | 19h | |
I guess ONE eye is all the stealing thief, #BobPittman, needed to read the memo I gave him with the concept and every show idea used to create; and launch E! TV. Yeah, I invented E! But got 100% ripped off. Wish I had some food to eat, today. Clownish, One-Eye Bob destroys all.
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Zuma Dogg | 19h | |
Never got any kind of break. I changed a lot of things for a lot of people and created some BIG innovations for others. I always got ripped off/lied to. I never get paid. I don't get to eat every day. I wanna blow the genius out of my head. I'm done as solo, unpaid artist.
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Zuma Dogg | Feb 27 | |
BIG PUSH of #GreatAwakening is #BigPharma. Makers of#OpiodEpidemic, have CURES they DON'T RELEASE because, "a patient cured is a customer lost." The BIG PUSH=#ReleaseTheCures(hashtag campaign). Looks like Anthony @ScaramucciPost is GO TO ACCOUNT for info on this #MAGA issue.
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Zuma Dogg | Feb 27 | |
ALERT! @POTUS @realDonaldTrump COMPROMISING: If WE KNOW#FL SHOOTING=FALSE FLAG by #BrowardCounty #DeepState w#Sheriffs (why they stood OUTSIDE=protecting scene for REAL SHOOTER=TRUMP KNOWS=ANY talk of gun control/etc=BULLSHIT=TRUMP needs to DROP TRUTH to WAKE ALL SHEEPLE, NOW!
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Zuma Dogg | Feb 27 | |
I am SO confused! Everyone to talking about gun control & #NRA &#BanAssaultRifles. The FL shooting was done by infamous Deep State false flag guy, Cobra Staubs. If DEMS had Sheriff hire Cobra to do it=ALL DEBATE DONE. Gun ban/NRA boycott won't slow down a political assassin.
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Zuma Dogg | Feb 27 | |
#ALERT to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump!!! You are being shielded from info. FL shooting done by William 'COBRA' STAUB. Used by#BrowardCounty/DEMOCRATS for BIG #DeepState jobs. Take down Staubs=take down Deep State's BLACK OPS LEADER!youtu.be/8dn7q5-RzrM pic.twitter.com/E1Df5SpiI9
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Zuma Dogg | Feb 27 | |
EXCLUSIVE: HERE is picture of "2nd" FL shooter=the REAL one. CRUZ didn't fire a shot. William 'COBRA' Staubs. Sheriffs didn't stop shooting, cause they were executing event. All calls for accountability a joke=Sheriffs involved! #GreatAwakening #QAnon youtu.be/8dn7q5-RzrM pic.twitter.com/AAKq8DXxsa
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- MEMES from #QAnon 8bitChan=WHAT TO EXPECT For The ...
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